Open the link for next weeks announcements.
Way to go, 2A!!! So proud of your commitment and hard work!!! A special thanks to our community for always supporting this project!!!
The fifth grade students researched an animal and their habitat. Next, they created the habitat and an informative PowerPoint. Finally, they presented their projects to the lower elementary grades last week!
Open the link for next weeks announcements:
School will be dismissed at 12:30 on Friday February 16th, and there is no school on February 19th or February 23rd.
Open the link for the document for information about our kindergarten and pre-school round up, parent meeting March 7th at 5:30. If you have a child going into preschool or kindergarten or know of someone please share this with them.
Video Premiere: USD388 February 12th BOE Meeting video will premiere today at noon on the USD388 YouTube channel at The agenda for the meeting can be viewed at
K-3 had some Valentines fun mixing up and rotating through different activities this morning!
Tomorrow will be the last day to purchase valentines from 2A. The proceeds are going to the Playground Fundraiser. Everything will be $.25 tomorrow. They can purchase before school.
Thank you,
Tomorrow is our last official day for the 2nd Grade Valentine's Day Project. All Deluxe Valentines are now 2/$1. We have Mystery Bags now too. They are also 2/$1. Stop by the grade school and support our little guys as they learn how to give back and run their very own project!
Open the link for next weeks announcements.
Third grade went to the FHSU basketball game tonight to support our student teacher, #3 Miss Golladay! Go Tigers!
School counselors week is a great time to give back to our counselors for all the ways they contribute to schools, big and small. WGS wants to thank Miss Lubbers for all she does for us!
WGS had fun dressing up as Taylor and Travis for our Super Bowl Spirit Week! Go Chiefs 💛❤️ Tomorrow is Red Friday
We have had lots of kindness spreading around WGS the past couple weeks! Congratulations to Sage Espino, Korvin Smith, Zeke Jenkins, and Ashur Robb caught being kind and helping to make our school a welcoming place for all!
There are 100 trains and Ellis E's floating around the grade school today to celebrate the 100th day of school. Pre-k through 6th graders have been hunting, but there are still a few left to find!
Open the link for Feb. 3rd- Feb. 11th, announcements
Pay-It-Forward Valentine's Day Project goes towards the playground. Come buy your valentines from the second grade and let it go towards a great cause.
2nd Grade will be having their annual Valentine's Day Service Project next month(2/6-2/13). They sell Valentines packs and donate the money raised to a good cause. This year it will go towards the new playground. Here are just a few of the available options to purchase!!
Open the link for next weeks announcements.