Open the link for next weeks announcements. https://5il.co/39rc7 Mr. Befort

Just a reminder that we are having pictures tomorrow, we also have Dr. Seuss pajama day, so please have your child dress for pictures, and if they want to change into their pajamas after pictures they can. PreK if you want your child's picture taken please come sometime before 10:30 and we will fit them in. Mr. Befort

Open the attachment to see the PTO Bingo flyer for Friday night, come and have fun. https://5il.co/39nw9

Open the link for WGS announcements. https://5il.co/38x1b
There is no school on Friday, We will also be having Dr. Seuss Dress up week, so open this link for the different days. https://5il.co/38x15

Read Across America is next week. We will be celebrating it at WGS with some fun daily dress-up days that coincide with Dr. Seuss books.

Two members of the FHSU rodeo team came to present to the Mrs. Burd's 4th grade science class about farm animals! Thanks to the Ag in the Classroom program from Ellis County Farm Bureau for this visit.

Open the link for WGS weekly announcements. https://5il.co/38fvp, Mr. Befort

A big thank you to Mr. Davenport for sharing his knowledge of all things Russia with the 6th graders. What a great presentation!

The fifth graders finished up their habitat projects. They were able to present to both 1st and 3rd grades. They did fantastic! 🦒🦛

Here are a couple of documents about PreK and Kindergarten round-up. Please look at the documents if you plan on attending, or share with someone that you may know will have a child attending PREK or kindergarten at WGS next year. https://5il.co/38fhs.
Mr. Befort

Open the link for WGS weekly announcements: https://5il.co/37tjw. Mr. Befort

We will be having Cheesy Breadsticks tomorrow for lunch. Mr. Befort

Girl Scout Sign-Up Event:
Tuesday, February 18th
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Ellis Public Library
907 Washington St
Ellis, KS 67637

Clara, Opal, Harper, and Taegan represented WGS at the Ellis County Spelling Bee Monday night! 🐝 Great job girls!

VFW Auxiliary Post 9139 graciously donated books to the Washington Grade School, Ellis Junior High/High School, and St. Mary's School libraries! Thank you so much!!

Video premiere! Last night's BOE meeting premieres today at 6pm on the USD388 YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@USD388
Visit https://go.boarddocs.com/ks/usd388/Board.nsf/Public to view the meeting's agenda

On Saturday, February 8th, the EHS Forensics teamed competed in Norton.
Talon Pyle placed 6th in extempt. Emma Dawson placed 4th in poetry and 2nd in Oration, punching her ticket to state! Elie Brull placed 3rd in Poetry and 6th in prose. Journey Swaggerty took home the 🥇 GOLD 🥇 in humorous solo, also punching her ticket to state. Way to go!

Open the link for next weeks WGS announcements: https://5il.co/37alp Mr. Befort

The 6th graders completed their Great Wall of China models. Very crafty and creative students!

The 4th graders learned about the invention of the assembly line and the development of mass production in Social Studies. They finished up with their own creations using the assembly line model to make some sweet treats!