WGS has the absolute best PTO! Thank you for all you do for us! 💕
Open the attachment for the end of the year announcements.
Today was Kindergarten Career Day!
A program from Kansas Tourism that offers Kansas families free admission to attractions across the state, throughout the summer.
MAY 25 – AUGUST 11, 2024
Here is the website: https://sunflowersummer.org/
Congratulations to Phoebe Davis and Katie Hines for making it to Hays to compete in the Ellis County Famous Figures competition. Katie Hines brought home a 3rd place trophy as Betsy Ross! Way to go!
We have some super cool kids caught being kind these past few weeks - Haylee Kreutzer, Caroline Honas, Jax Gabel, Adi Priest, and Presley Eaton. Way to keep a positive attitude and be helpers as we wrap up our last month of school! We appreciate you!
Happy Principals' day to Mr. Befort from the students and staff at WGS!! We are all so thankful for you and everything you do for our school and community!!
Through the year, Ellis County Farm Bureau has been partnering with WGS to bring ag into the classroom. They film fun videos and send activities that help the kids learn about different aspects of ag in our state. Today they came to us and did a live lesson- planting watermelon!
Thursday is WGS PTO McDonald's night, come out and support the PTO. Open link for the flyer. https://5il.co/2jxaj
Open the link for this weeks announcements. https://5il.co/2jxac
The fifth graders graduated from the D.A.R.E. program today! Jaxon and Maddy were selected to read their essays during graduation. Great job to all!! 👏👏
Famous Figures 2024 was amazing with this class of 5th graders. They worked so hard and their presentations did not disappoint! The two students who will represent WGS at the Hays competition on Friday, May 3rd are Katie Hines as Betsy Ross and Phoebe Davis as Queen Elizabeth I.
Open the link for next weeks announcements. https://5il.co/2iytq
1-2-3-4 we declare a Penny War! Start collecting loose change for a friendly Penny War competition at WGS! Students can add positive points to their class bucket and add negative points to another class (or faculty) bucket. Pre-K through 6th grade class buckets will be located near Theresa's office.
Penny War starts Monday, April 22nd, and the winner will get a pizza party! Good luck!
*All proceeds will go to the Play and Learn Project for new playground equipment.
Here is a link to the form for back pack for kids, if you would like to get a free back pack and supplies for next school year. https://5il.co/2iufm
The 4th graders had some fun in Social Studies class mass producing some sweet treats after learning about the assembly line!
Open link for next weeks announcements https://5il.co/2ieob
There is no School on Monday, teacher in-service.
Sharing this upcoming event!
Second grade has had an absolutely fantastic TA for math all year. They couldn't be more excited to get to see Logan sign to play football for FHSU. What a great example he's been for these little Railers academically, athletically, and all the way around.
Video Premiere: USD388 April 8th BOE Meeting video will premiere today at 6pm on the USD388 YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/USD388 The agenda for the meeting can be viewed at http://www.boarddocs.com/ks/usd388/Board.nsf/Public