2025 labor auction

Dear Ellis USD 388 Community, Parents, and Faculty/Staff:

Spring has arrived, bringing busy times filled with spring cleaning, calving season, fieldwork, and more. This season can be quite hectic! The Ellis FFA invites you to our annual Labor Auction on Monday, March 31st. We will serve a meal at 6:30 PM, and the auction will begin shortly afterward. This event will take place in the commons and auditorium of Ellis Jr/Sr High School.

During the auction, FFA members will be available for hire for eight hours of labor. The hours can be divided as agreed upon by the buyer and the member. If a member is to work all eight hours in one day, we kindly ask that buyers provide a meal.

Proceeds from this event will go towards senior scholarships and future FFA activities. In order to be eligible for scholarships from the Ellis FFA Chapter, students must participate in the Labor Auction and complete their contracts.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Dani Schmidt at daschmidt@usd388.com or 785-726-1148. Please RSVP to Mrs. Schmidt or the office at 785-726-3151 by Friday, March 28th. Thank you for your support!


Mrs. Dani Schmidt
USD 388 Ag Teacher | FFA Advisor
