Due to weather and road conditions, the EHS basketball games @ Victoria High School for January 25 are cancelled. If we are able to reschedule, the make-up date will be announced as soon as possible. Sports practices and 8th hours are also cancelled for today.
about 3 years ago, Donna Schmidt
Congratulations Theresa Thomas USD388 employee of the quarter
about 3 years ago, John Befort
USD388 employee of the quarter
Congratulations Miss Lubbers WGS teacher of the month
about 3 years ago, John Befort
WGS teacher of the month
Dear USD 388 parents and guardians, As you are aware, the current surge in the omicron variant is creating immense pressure on our schools and staff members as we work to keep classrooms staffed and in-person learning possible. To help alleviate some of the pressure on our schools, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), and the Ellis County Health Department support schools implementing a 30-day temporary suspension on all contact tracing activities. What does this mean for you as parents and guardians? Beginning Monday, January 24, 2022, our district will no longer notify families whose child may have been in contact, through classroom or extracurricular settings, with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. If you believe your child has been exposed to a positive case either at school or elsewhere, please consider keeping your child home for five days after the exposure. After that, your child may resume normal activities but should wear a well-fitting mask around others indoors and outdoors for an additional five days. Have your child tested five days after the exposure or immediately if they become symptomatic. Continue to monitor your child for symptoms of COVID-19 for 10 days after the exposure. If your child is symptomatic, have him or her tested with a diagnostic test if available. Do not send your child to school if they are sick or if they test positive. Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 should stay home for at least five days and be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before leaving home. After that, your child may resume normal activities but should wear a well-fitting mask around others indoors and outdoors for an additional five days. Please notify your school if your child tests positive. The district will continue to follow our recently released mitigation plan as it relates to wearing masks in school and at school activities. If we reach the threshold of 12 positive cases within the district, we will move to requiring masks in school and at school activities for two weeks. After this two-week period, if positive cases fall below 12, masks will become optional again. As of today, Friday, January 21st our district has 19 active COVID-19 cases and multiple cases pending. Due to the elevated number of cases and exceeding our set criteria of 12 positive cases, ALL USD 388 staff, students, and visitors will need to wear a mask in our school facilities starting Monday, January 24, 2022 and concluding Sunday, February 6, 2022. We will reevaluate our cases at that time. COVID infections continue to be on the rise and it is becoming more difficult to find substitute teachers and staff to keep school running. The purpose of this step is to help curtail the spread of COVID throughout the buildings with the intention of keeping in-person school in place. We truly appreciate your patience and support as we weather this current surge in our community by temporarily requiring face coverings. If you have any questions regarding this change to school contact tracing protocols, please contact Jaymi Gabel, by calling either Washington Grade School at (785) 726-3136 or Ellis Jr/Sr High School at (785) 726-3151. Thank you for your continued support as we navigate this challenging time for our schools and communities. We will continue to keep you informed as guidance changes are announced. Sincerely, Corey Burton USD 388 Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Corey Burton
Want an easy way to access EHS/EJH, WGS, and USD388 events, menus, news, and more? Install the USD388 app. The app provides quick access to info on what is going on in USD388. Available for both iPhone and Android.
about 3 years ago, Steve Herrman
A recording of last night's BOE meeting can now be watched on the USD388 Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/USD388 You can view the agenda of last night's BOE meeting as well as previous meetings at https://go.boarddocs.com/ks/usd388/Board.nsf/Public
about 3 years ago, Steve Herrman
At last night’s January USD 388 Board Meeting, the board approved the updated USD 388 Covid Mitigation Strategies from Least to Most Restrict plan. This updated plan considers federal, state, and county recommendations and was developed with the coordination of the Ellis County Health Department and other Ellis county schools. The new procedures outlined in this plan will take effect Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Thanks, and have a great day. Corey Burton USD 388 Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Corey Burton
Mitigation Pic
Ellis Jr/Sr High School is in search of a Para. Please share. If interested, please contact the Ellis High School Office for additional information.
about 3 years ago, Corey Burton
EHS Para Opening
Information on the upcoming USD 388 January Board Meeting can be found using the link below. https://www.usd388.com/article/620770
about 3 years ago, Corey Burton
A recording of the USD388 BOE meeting from Sunday, December 19th, is now up on the USD388 Youtube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/USD388
about 3 years ago, Steve Herrman
about 3 years ago, John Befort
Congratulations to the students representing WGS at KMEA
about 3 years ago, John Befort
large group
Our USD 388 school community would like to thank DJ Fischer for his service on the school board. DJ completed his board term last night at our December board meeting. Pictured is Mr. Fischer being presented his outgoing board member plaque from Superintendent Corey Burton. We want to again thank DJ for his commitment to serving the youth of Ellis. Go Railers.
about 3 years ago, Corey Burton
Mr. Fischer
Big thanks to Lance Reese the voice of the Railers. He is back on the USD 388 YouTube Channel tonight calling the EHS vs. Ellinwood basketball game.
about 3 years ago, Corey Burton
We were unable to live stream the WGS Spelling Bee that took place yesterday. If you weren't able to make it to the WGS Spelling Bee and would like to watch it, a recording is now up on the USD388 Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/USD388
about 3 years ago, Steve Herrman
The Wednesday, December 15, 2021 USD 388 Board Meeting has been rescheduled for Sunday, December 19, 2021 at 6:00 pm in the EHS FACS Room. The previously scheduled EHS Alumni Center tour will be rescheduled at a future meeting.
about 3 years ago, Corey Burton
Thank you to Sheila Hasenkamp for speaking to our high school students this morning! Her presentation, titled “8 Minutes” details Parker’s (her son’s)story of suffering alcohol poisoning; fortunately, Parker received a second chance at life. Thank you to StuCo and KAYs for sponsoring Shelia’s presentation!
about 3 years ago, Donna Schmidt
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USD 388 will run a 10:00 am late start tomorrow (December 16, 2021). There will be NO AM preschool.
about 3 years ago, Corey Burton
Tonight’s Usd 388 Board Meeting has been postponed. New date and time to be determined later.
about 3 years ago, Corey Burton
Congratulations to our Ellis Railer boys basketball team who beat Spearville 52-24 to win 5th at the Larned tournament!
about 3 years ago, Donna Schmidt
team pic