Happy New Year! This time of year often inspires us to look ahead, maybe turn over a new leaf. We make resolutions, set goals and imagine a brighter view of the future.

As I think about our schools and community, I’m excited to see what’s in store. The strategic planning work brought many different voices, ideas and generations together in November and December. Together, we have imagined a brighter view of the future for our district. Now is the time to formalize it with goals and actions to help us unlock opportunity and achieve our vision.

Growing up in Ellis, I never imagined my little community would change. I loved being part of a big family on the edge of town. I learned to work hard, overcome challenges and take care of the people around me. The youngest of 10 kids, I also learned that whoever eats the fastest gets the most food! I loved learning to tend the garden and collect eggs from the hens. I loved that sitting on our porch was an unspoken invitation for someone to stop and visit. And I especially loved a crowded table every Sunday when Dad would make fried chicken. As a young girl, I couldn’t imagine anything different than that life.

Fast forward a few decades, and I have learned that things always change. I still love a crowded table full of food and conversation, even if the people who gather have changed over time. As with every family, we’ve lost loved ones and welcomed new faces. Our community has changed, too, and I think it’s normal to feel a little bittersweet about that.

As my family continues to celebrate holidays and special occasions in Ellis, I can’t help but think of what I want for this community and for the future generations who will call Ellis home. If my parents taught me anything, it’s that what we do today can create the future we want tomorrow.

What needs to happen in 2025, so that our schools and community are still able to thrive five, 10 or 20 years from now ? How do we adjust to the changes that are out of our control? And how do we honor the values that define our past — and build a bright future for Ellis?

For me, answering these questions leads me back to what Dad taught me growing up. We need to take care of one another, and we need to get to work. Nobody else will do this for us. A bright future for our kids and community is my job, and it’s your job. It’s everyone’s job.

As I look into 2025 and beyond, our potential together is without limits. As a child, I learned it’s always the right time to be kind, help each other and look out for one another. I’d guess I’m not the only one who remembers learning and living lessons like these. And I am confident that they will lead us toward a bright future.

As the new year begins, I invite you to join me in a renewed focus on what matters most: Opportunities for kids, collaboration with families, partnerships with local businesses andorganizations and shared investment in facilities and resources. Great schools that prepare students for the bigger world, and a caring community that calls them back to visit or perhaps even to stay.

Let’s work together. Let’s bring more people to the table. And let’s do good that keeps on multiplying long after we are gone. That is the history of Ellis — and we are the ones who can make it the future.

Janice Wilson